THEE and Scientific Method

Modern Trends

Science has become prestigious and money-driven so that the term is now often applied according to self-interest. Perhaps as a reaction, a militant faction has emerged which wishes to restrict science to research that is not only performed with a due focus on precision and rigour, but is also committed to a particular ideological canon e.g. strictly reductionist or strictly materialist or strictly empirical.

As a result, two standards appear to be operating within the scientific community:

Falsifiability is a criterion that is commonly demanded, and yet the work by physicists on «string theory», which does not appear to be falsifiable, is claimed as genuine science. At the same time, a theory like «morphic resonance» which is falsifiable and has been subject to hypothesis-testing is disparaged and rejected as non-scientific because it is non-material.

The present study will almost surely fall foul of such militants. But all topics on this website are addressed to those with an open mind and an inquiring disposition.

The assumption here is that even non-material objects, like personal functioning and psychosocial reality, can be investigated with precision and rigour. Identification of errors or omissions in fact or argument is welcomed and constructive criticism with alternative suggestions is encouraged.

Non-Material Objects of Inquiry

Personal functioning is inherently meta-physical i.e. non-material, dealing as it does with such things as intentions, meanings, and feelings which are quite distinct from chemical elements and physical forces.

The present investigation does not deny the existence of a material realm. Because it does not investigate the material realm, it takes no position on its construction via spirit or other non-material stuff.

Personal functioning creates our psychosocial reality because it is built around an 'I' with self-awareness. The position taken here is that investigation of this metaphysical reality is possible and that it involves the twin features of any basic research:  ordering and questioning.

The present investigations have resulted in a dynamic system model that has an aesthetic and is remarkably simple given all that it explains. The model makes numerous definite predictions that can be tested and potentially falsified. Some work of this sort has already been carried out.

Originally posted: 28-Aug-2015. Last amended: 21-Feb-2022.